Friday, January 18, 2013

Who's Up for Dessert? Late Night Craving Cookie Cake

I am not a chef by any stretch of the imagination, but I have done some experimenting over the past year and have come up with a few recipes that are quick, easy and that I find to be utterly scrumptious!  Trust me, I'm a finicky eater, so it's not like I would eat something just because I bought or made it.  I'm just not that self-sacrificing.  So if I eat it, you know it has to be good!

Now, on to the subject of this blog: dessert.  Dessert is one of those words that still makes me cry when I hear it.  The idea of having dessert sounds so great, but the chances of finding a dessert that is both gluten and dairy free and easy to make are pretty much nil.  So, necessity being the mother that it is (of invention of course), has driven me to a new recipe.  I call it, the Late Night Craving Cookie Cake (LNCCC).  Why the long name?  That's because this particular dessert is neither cookie, nor cake.  In fact, the only part of the title that really rings true is the 'late night craving' portion.  To be completely honest, it's not really a new recipe, it's just a twist on a crumble recipe I already knew, but I digress.  Here's what you need to know: it's yummy, super easy and contains zero gluten or dairy.

Late Night Craving Cookie Cake
1 cup of gluten free all-purpose flour (I use & love Bob's Red Mill)
1/3 cup dairy-free spread
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar

Set the oven to 350 F.  
Mix the flour and the sugar in a medium sized mixing bowl.
Add heated dairy-free spread (I clarify regular butter for this.  I heat it in the microwave if it's been in the fridge, or if I've freshly clarified it, I just add it to the mix.)
Stir the batter with a spatula until the ingredients are fully mixed.  
Spread it along the bottom of a loaf pan, size is up to you (I used a 9x5x3).  The batter rises less than an inch in total.
Bake for 30 minutes.
Let stand to cool for at least 30 minutes (If you're like me, you'll ignore this instruction, delve right into the ooey goodness and end up burning your tongue).

Clearly you can see I literally baked this at night :)  So I apologize for 
picture quality, but this is what it will mostly look like.

Once it's cooled completely, it has the consistency of a, well...cookie/cake.  It's a perfect complement to ice cream.  So Delicious (TM) has a great tasting gdf ice cream that I like to use.  

The texture of this ice cream is smooth and creamy, unlike other brands I've tried,
where the ice cream has the feeling of being freezer burnt.  It is a little on the pricey side
though, but well worth the $$ if you want good gdf ice cream.
Photo Credit:

A scoop of this atop a square of LNCCC fixes the late night sugar craving, while uniting you with dessert once more without having to pay for it the next day.  Enjoy!!

P.S. I want to hear what you all think once you've tried the recipe - leave a note with how it worked for you, if you added anything, or even if you liked it, so others can experiment as well!


  1. I wonder what raisins would be like in this . .

    1. mmmm, I think any fruit would be yummy! Let me know if you try it!
