Thursday, November 8, 2012

Snack Attack

Before becoming GDF, I was a chronic snacker.  I loved to eat 'quick food.'  Anything in a package pretty much was fair game.  That's part of the reason I gained so much weight after moving to the east coast, but I digress.  Now, I'm sure you have noticed that a GDF lifestyle is anything but quick.  Meal planning was probably one of the most uncomfortable adjustments when I first ventured into this lifestyle.  It seems like everything has to be prepared or cooked and that anything that does come in a package won't even last you through your hunger strike. (Not to mention that the price will take your arm, your leg and then some!)
So what is a hopeless snacker to do?  GDF is not like other diets, where you can just cheat now and 'do better' tomorrow.  If you cheat now, your tomorrow is shipwrecked, and in some cases even the day after that!  I've come up with a few solutions to the snack attack for GDF folks.  Below is one of my all-time favorites.  Now, it does have to be prepared but I've found that this recipe keeps very well, so preparing it on a Sunday afternoon or evening will make Monday-Friday's snack sessions effortless (if it lasts that long!).

Pico De Gallo
Now please note, this is a family recipe, so I'm not sure where it originated from but nevertheless it is a family favorite.  I grew up (mostly) in the Midwest where I developed a love for Mexican cuisine, so this recipe is a shout-out to all of my Coloradan la familia :).

Dice 2 ripe tomatoes (the juicier the better) and mix them with 1 chopped onion in a medium sized mixing bowl.  The size of the pieces of tomato and onion is completely up to you and how 'chunky' you enjoy your salsa.  Stir the two together to let the tomato's juices soak into the onion.  Let stand while you move on to the other ingredients.  I like to dice up the jalapeno next because the longer the mixture sits, the more the flavors blend.  So, I take 1 ripe jalapeno and cut it up as small as I can (be careful not to touch the seeds with your fingers or it will burn! Just to be sure, wear gloves).  Stir that into the mix and let stand while you move on.  Next, squeeze out an entire lemon over the mixture, but be careful seeds don't fall in.  There is nothing worse than chipping a tooth while eating!  (For a variation, I sometimes add limes to the mix but once you make this a few times, you'll develop your own variations, I am sure.)  Next, take 2 cloves of freshly pressed garlic and stir it in.  Add sea salt, pepper and garlic salt to taste and you're done!
Note: the longer the pico de gallo sits, the spicier it becomes, so if you're not one for spice, cut down the jalapeno to 1/2). 

The greatest thing about this recipe is its versatility.  You can eat this alone with gluten-free tortilla chips, you can put it in your eggs for a southwestern omelette, or use as a marinade for chicken.  It's so good and I think you'll find yourself making it quite often.  My only warning to you is to make sure you make enough; usually once a secret this yummy gets out, it's gone before you know it! (This recipe makes about 4 servings)

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