Monday, February 11, 2013

You Can Do It! A pep talk for all you gluten/dairy free wannabes.

The thing I hear the most when I tell people that I'm gluten/dairy free is, "Oh I tried that and couldn't do it," or "I just love bread too much to ever do that!"  I just smile and nod because I remember being in that same place.  My sisters would do all of these fad diets and I would sort of do them, more like entertain the idea, really, but never follow through.  I liked what I was eating too much.

I am a pretty determined person, don't get me wrong.  Once I've made my mind up about something, that's it, I'm sticking with it.  It's just making up my mind about something that is the problem for me.  The unique thing about this experience for me, is that I was pushed to do it.  Doctor's orders.  So I didn't have time to decide if this was something I could fit into my life.  GDF became my life before I even knew what it was.  If I would have had the time to deliberate, I honestly don't believe I would have made this decision.  Going sans-gluten requires a lot of prep work and sacrifice.  Thank God I didn't know that when I embarked on my journey!

I remember sitting in my doctor's office for my first appointment, receiving all of this information about how my life was going to change.  My doctor could tell I was starting to get overwhelmed.  (I don't hide my feelings from my face very well!)  He stopped and leaned over the desk and looked at me.  He said, "Look, basically it'll be like this: you're going to stop eating bread and we're going to watch what happens to your body, together.  You'll cry about bread and pasta and milk and cheese for a while.  Then you'll get up one morning and look into the mirror and like what you see.  At that point, you'll lose the desire to eat bread, pasta, milk or cheese, because you'll like what you see more than you like any of that."

I have lived by those words and let me tell you what, he was right!  I woke up one day, 4 months into a gdf lifestyle, happy to look in the mirror again.  I woke up one day not afraid to get on the scale.  I woke up one day and my body felt right, like it never has before.  He was right.  The whole reason I'm telling you this story is so that you have something to hang on to, too.  If you are gluten/dairy free or are trying to go gluten/dairy free, you've probably realized that it's difficult.  But difficult is not impossible, it's just difficult.

If you're reading this blog, than you already have more to start with than I did!  You have more knowledge and information at your hands and that means you have less of an excuse than ever!  Not to sound cliche, but if I can do it, I'm telling you, you can too.  Don't make up reasons why you can't, because in reality, they're just reasons why you won't.  The willpower is inside you and if you want to wake up and be healthy one morning like I did, you'll figure it out.

I hope this story helps all of you who are on the fence.  I'm with you and am a living testimony to the fact that gdf living can change your life and your health, forever!

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